AGRICULTURE THAT sustainably increases productivity, resilience
(adaptation), reduces/removes GHGs (mitigation), and enhances
achievement of national food security of Pakistan and development goals.
Climate-smart crop production contributes to food security, climate
change adaptation and mitigation by addressing different current and
projected climate change impacts (e.g. variability, unpredictability).
Crop production, encompassing the series of processes involved in the
growing of crops – from land preparation through planting to the produce
reaching the farm gate, is not operated in isolation but rather
constitutes an integral part of a farming system, which in turn is a
constituent of the broader agro-ecosystem and landscape.
Crop production is aimed at providing food security, contribute to
sustainable diets, raw materials for industries and generally, to
improve and sustain the livelihoods. The linkages between crop
production to the wider overarching agricultural production systems and
its value in socio-economic contexts are therefore obvious and these
aspects are largely covered in other modules. Against the backdrop of
social, economic, institutional and other enabling environments, we must
focus on the technical aspects of crop production within the context of
evolving climate change and variations. In particular, the concepts of
the sustainability of crop production systems and to explore how crop
production can adapt to and contribute to the mitigation of the effects
of climate change.
The successes and failures of crops have always been subject to
prevailing environmental factors and hence the mechanisms for managing
the stresses imposed by these factors have remained subjects of
extensive studies in varied disciplines. It is noteworthy that
currently, crop production is increasingly vulnerable to risks
associated with largely new and evolving climatic changes. Variations in
environmental conditions that are posing significant challenges to
farmers, over and beyond those that are experienced “normally”. The
frequency, variability and intensity of these events are increasing.
According to IPCC, the planet is facing more extreme weather events,
such as heavy precipitation events, coastal high water, geographic
shifts in storm and drought patterns, and warmer temperatures. For
example their impact on the current tillage-based agriculture with no
soil cover, low soil carbon and severe plough pan, a dominant approach
to production intensification. Conversely, climate change will have a
significant impact on crop production but alternative adaptation
approaches and practices can address this by helping to reduce the net
GHG emissions while maintaining or improving yields as published in
AgMIP Annual Report in 2014.
Cold periods becoming warmer and shorter (warmer and more frequent hot
days and nights over most land areas) and increased yields in colder
environments; decreased yields in warmer environments; increased
outbreaks of new insect pests and pathogens. Heavy precipitation events
increasing in frequency over most areas are very likely.
Drought-affected area increases land degradation and soil erosion; lower
yields from crop damage and failure; loss of arable land intense
tropical cyclone activity increases damage to crops.
Crop production has always been impacted by environmental stresses and
has looked for ways to manage these. Climate change adaptation requires
more than simply maintaining the current level of performance from the
agricultural sector, but rather developing a set of responses that allow
the sector to improve performance under the changing conditions climate
change implies. Because agricultural production remains the main source
of income for most rural communities, adaptation of the agricultural
sector to the adverse effects of climate change will be imperative to
protect and improve the livelihoods of the poor and to ensure food
Examples of ways are local adaptation to the stress through plant
breeding, pest management strategies, and seed delivery systems, to name
a few. Today, however, crop production is increasingly vulnerable to
risks associated with climate change. This is because climate change is
causing variations in environmental conditions that are posing
significant challenges to farmers, over and beyond those that are
experienced “normally”. Some examples of changes in climatic conditions
that influence crop systems include rain quantity and distribution (and
consequent water availability), extreme events such as floods and
droughts, high temperatures and shifting.
The Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by 0.76 °C since
1850. The rate of climate change will possibly exceed the natural rate
of adaptation of natural systems including crops, and this creates high
concern for food availability. In essence, what this means is that crops
that were usually planted in one area may not be able to grow there any
longer. But that is not all! It is not just the crop itself that may be
impacted, it is also the ecosystem services that ensure crop growth
(e.g. pollination, soil biodiversity) and for these reasons it is
necessary to address crop production at the farming systems level.
However, with the proper technical, institutional, socio-economic and
policy infrastructure in place, there is a huge potential for crop
management practices adapt to, and contribute to, the mitigation of
climate change.
Farming practices that rely on natural biological processes and
biodiversity to increase the production of agro-ecosystems are
“climate-smart”. Sustainable crop production intensification can be
achieved through good farming practices, which are based on improving
efficiencies and managing biological processes. SCPI is based on
agricultural production systems and management practices that include
maintaining healthy soil to enhance soil related ecosystem services and
crop nutrition, cultivating a wider range of species and varieties in
associations, rotations and sequences, using well adapted, high-yielding
varieties and good quality seeds, integrated management of pests,
diseases and weeds, efficient water management.
Managing agro-ecosystems for producing food and fodder and managing
agro-ecosystems to adapt to and mitigate climate change have the same
underlying principles, and can work together to achieve the same goal;
feeding the population, into the future. Both crop production and
climate change adaptation and mitigation require a resilient ecosystem
and this can be ensured through approaches and practices that are based
on the sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Climate-smart agriculture in crop production is a sustainable crop
production system that inherently in its nature addresses climate
change. Sustainable agricultural systems also contribute to the delivery
and maintenance of a range of valued public goods, such as clean water,
carbon sequestration, flood protection, groundwater recharge, and
landscape amenity value. By definition, sustainable agricultural systems
are less vulnerable to shocks and stresses. Sustainable crop production
systems are climate-smart and provide options for adapting to, and
mitigating, climate change.
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